
Achieving The Perfect School-life Balance

Achieving The Perfect School-life Balance

Sometimes school activities and school pressure can get so overwhelming that we lose track of other things that matter in our lives. Striking a school-life balance takes a lot of discipline but it’s very achievable.

Below are some school-life balance tips that will help you have better study habits:

Building Smart Study Habits:

Every study habit is unique to a student, and you will have to find which works best for you. Do you feel more comfortable reading in your dorm? Or you feel better reading in the library? You need to find an environment that is free of distractions.

Sharpening your study skills with tutorials or study groups would help you find out what learning style works best for you, that will also help to achieve quality and effective learning. Study groups are an effective way of coming together to collectively work on school work. It also has a way of giving students the opportunity of learning and discussing different perspectives on how to solve school-related problems.

Maintaining Your Health:

School life as we all know can be very stressful sometimes, and if students do not have regular appointments with a doctor, it could compound the effect stress would have on them.

Students should always try to book routine checkups with their guidance counsellor, as this will help to keep their mental health in check. Also, participating in athletics, gymnastics, and indoor games will help in the physical and mental health of the student, and help relieve academic stress.

Getting Enough Sleep:

Inadequate sleep can affect academic performance. Sleep deprivation affects how the student performs, and also deprives them of staying awake in class.

Sleep loss could lead to learning and memory impairment, and could also lead to disturbances in brain function, which could lead to poor academic performance. A student should have at least 8 hours of sleep at night, and should always cultivate the habit of not only taking siesta but also sleeping early at night. This has a positive effect of making you wake up bright the next day, and working at peak performance.

Participating In Extra-Curricular Activities:

Extra-curricular activities do not only provide a productive break from study but also can help in building personal development skills of the girl child outside the classroom. It helps in opening their minds to new ideas and provides social opportunities.

It is also believed that extra-curricular activities enhance learning, could build self-confidence, increase leadership skills, and help in achieving good grades. It also helps to build qualities like precision, endurance, technical skills, etc. Extra-curricular activities could range from sports, music, personal development, drama, public speaking etc.

Eating Healthy:

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and should not be skipped. It helps better academic performance, improved behaviour, better attendance, and concentration.

For your brain to function better, you need to eat better, because students learn better when they are well-nourished. Eating foods like;

  • VegetablesFruits
  • Fish
  • Meat
  • Red Pepper
  • Yoghurt
  • Peanut Butter

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