Our Programs
May 14, 2021 2021-06-24 18:28Our Programs
Leadership Curriculum
Our unique selling point at Noble Hall is our leadership curriculum. We are affiliated with the African Leadership Academy in South Africa (ALA), and our Year 10 Learners participate in the yearly leadership conference. We also offer Leadership and Public Speaking as subjects; this ensures that our girls are not only good at the regular subjects but trained to be exceptional leaders.

Development Service
At Noble Hall, one of our core values is community cohesion and our words are matched with actions, thus our learners are constantly involved in various community projects. We organise visits to Orphanages and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps and we donate books to less privileged schools around our community. We also work with Primary School Children to improve their reading skills. In the past the school has organised Noble Hall Fun Day fund raising events and proceeds from these events were donated to charities. We are currently raising funds to provide a water borehole for our neighboring community, Angwan-Rogo village.
Global Changemakers Series
The Noble Hall Leadership Academy's Global Changemakers Series is designed to enable our girls interact, learn from and build relationships with global leaders from different specializations. For the first edition of the series, we had Mrs. Baraka Saleh as our guest.
Mrs Baraka is a passionate educator overseeing 3 educational establishments for the last 13 years. She is also a well-versed and respected education advisor and consultant. She is the founder and director of Oakland International School, and also a member of the Board of Directors at Noble Hall Leadership Academy for Girls.

Enrichment Programs
- Food Technology
- Leadership
- Music & Drama
- Religious Studies (Christian & IRK)
- Fundraising
- Nigerian Studies
- Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE)
- Public Speaking
- Cultural Activities
- Community Development
- Enterprise